De Kneht is the first survivor aircrash at the airport in Istanbul and then drop the aircraft of the Turkish "Turkiš erlajnz" at the airport Shiphol in Amsterdam. He had only four broken ribs, which makes interference when walking, but is overjoyed to be among the living. The first unpleasant event was the 19th February when the plane was traveling to Iraq during landing in Istanbul sliped with the runway and hit the airport lights. A few days later, 25 February, when the Boeing 730-800 of "Turkiš erlajnz" Istanbul-Amsterdam collapsed to three kilometers from the airport in Amsterdam.

De Kneht remembers that he heard the captain informs the crew about the landing, which will follow immediately after. A few seconds after that, De Kneht and other survivors were found in the quiet destroyed .
"No photos, no one will believe me", is thought.
The hospital doctors told him just four broken ribs. When he asked whether his ribs were broken before the accident, De Kneht was rushing to respond positively.
"I told you are out of fear that will keep me in the hospital," said the Dutchman a cheapest agency.
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