28 Dec 2008


If you stopped drinking sodas and switched to fruit juices, watch your intake, most of fruit juices contain more carbs (sugars) and calories then you think.

Although 100 percent fruit juice contains tons of vitamins, minerals and other healthy stuff, women tend to forget that these drinks contain calories and sugars as well. For instance, one glass of 100 percent orange juice contains 110 calories and 27 grams of carbs, 23 of which sugar. If you're watching your weight and choose 100 percent fruit juice instead of the unhealthy sodas, this might come as a big surprise in form of additional fat round your hips.

This is because it takes a lot of fruits to make one glass of juice. Even though you wouldn't think of eating 20 oranges in one day when dieting, you will nonetheless drink them up, together with sugars and calories if you drink juice.

I say, stick to water and eat your veggies and fruits the ordinary way. If you can't lie without juice, mix it with water or try vegetable juice instead.

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