My grandparents’ house, where I spend most holidays, is like a black hole—in a good way: Whenever I’m there, I spend most of my time sleeping, eating, and lazing about, pleasantly sedated by the combination of the blazing fireplace, the comfy blankets that Grandma knits and leaves on all of the furniture, and the inevitable food coma that results after one of our afternoon Pennsylvania Dutch feasts. My parents have actually asked me if I ever sleep in New York, since I seem to need a lot of catching up in that department whenever we’re at Grandma and Grandpa’s.

But this season, I’m determined to approach the annual trip differently. Holidays are all about tradition, and that’s exactly what I need: A new tradition that keeps me, and my family, moving. So I talked to Nikki Glor, a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor at Crunch Fitness in New York City, and creator of her own NikkiFitness DVDs. Chances are, your family may be planning a similarly lazy couple of days; if so, here’s now to get them (and yourself) out of the rut. Read More
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