This 24" x 18" painting depicts another quiet, tranquil area of The Florida Everglades wilderness where the footsteps of mankind rarely appear with those of Florida's wildlife - a veritable oasis indeed.

This acrylic on canvas is an authentic Florida scene of a day just now beginning ...
when the sky still has a few clouds as a reminder of the midnight showers ... when the sun has
recently appeared in the heavens ... when Florida's wildlife start their daily search for food ... all captured on canvas in a magnificent portrayal of the beauty of God's creation !
Notice the Great White Heron just about to grab an unsuspecting fish swimming by in the shallows, whilst overhead can be seen the hallmark of this artist - not one, but two seagulls hovering and hoping. The marsh grasses surrounding this oasis of water lead one to the hammock so typical in The Everglades, where the lush Florida foliage supports the tall, majestic Cabbage Palms.
The two large Cabbage Palms on stage right sway gently in the early morning breeze in the midst of the
Florida Palmetto thicket below - seemingly standing guard over the entranceway of this quiet oasis. In the
waters below, one can see a partly submerged branch from a fallen Cypress Tree.
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