Here's nutrition advice you can feel confident about: You need more D. Being deficient in this vitamin raises the risk of heart disease, bone breaks, and even early death. In 2008, new research found that some 50% of all adults have insufficient levels, and a lack of D may boost the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Low levels can also increase older women's risk of hip fracture by more than 70% and increase your risk of death by 25%.
While sunlight, the main source of vitamin D, is also a cancer risk, many foods—including dairy products like milk, and salmon and other deepwater fish—have it too. But you'd have to consume a lot to meet the recommended daily intake of 200 international units (IUs), 400 IUs, and 600 IUs, for ages 50 and below, 50 to 70, and 70 or older, respectively.

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